A.K.R. SUBRAMANIYAM is an illustrious name among Sourashtra community weaving people of Tamil Nadu. A renowned theist and a pioneering businessman, he carried out paint staking poems in Sourashtri language. Being a Ex. General Secretary of Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, Director of Sourashtri Prachar Sabha Trust and Nagal Nagar Sourashtra Sabha Vice President. He travelled extentially throughout Tamil Nadu and gathered odes, saint poets and their bhajans in small amount. This literature deficiency felt him to write more and more in Sourashtri language. Applying his deep spiritual and social knowledge of his experience he wrote 'Damar' - a collection of hymns in Sourashtri language. He reconstructed hundreds of Sourashtri words has not found today in Sourashtri conversations depicting those words in his book. Picturising bravery, honesty, mobility, love, bhakti, surrender to God etc. from the fragmented fables.
His translation work of 'Thirukkural' and hundred poems of 'Thiruvasagam' - Thiruchathagam was interesting to CIIL's linguistics and selected for publishing by CIIL. This is a milestone development in Sourashtri language literature.
He used to write the whole book the Sourashtra Script proclaimed with the help of CIIL, Mysore. Click the below link the See Whole Alphabet chart.